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A Pc Within a Pc!: is one computer at your desk not enough? do you require the amount of security provided with nothing but a new OS? if the answer to either of the above is yes here's the solution! 8,585 21 8 is one computer at your desk n PC Guide has some nicely laid out reference guides and occasionally satisfying articles, but overall misses its mark. PC Guide has some nicely laid out reference guides and occasionally satisfying articles, but overall it misses its m is there any software or ways to look in to other pc monitor? my friend sai there is an software where if we give an IP address mean we can see wat they are doing in their PC. thanks. is there any software or ways to look in to other pc moni Up to the minute technology news covering computing, home entertainment systems, gadgets and more. TechRadar By Michelle Rae Uy, Bill Thomas Buying Guide Equipped with the latest processors and graphics cards, these are the best gaming PCs